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Otishertz Bud Bomb; July 29, 2011

Started by Otishertz, July 29, 2011, 11:32:31 AM


I am with ogf and mama. Sorry have no idea how to do this. Thank you for your kindness.


Important: Make sure your name on this list is the same as where you are picking up your jar. Also remember, you must be a current member at your club.

OGF List:

1. Missy
2. Diabolique  
3. donkeybuddha
4. 2feisty
5. chroniclily69
6. russianblue72
7. Burner
8. Papa LJ
9. fasteddie
10. maripamm
11. plantlover
12. mot
13. Indica Ninja
14. greenpaw
15. smokey
16. patientdave
17. pSteve
18. MrE
19. tee
20. Irishgawdess
21. Swooper
22. sativa
23. oregonchef
24. TYR
25. n8p22
26. Bigwheels
27. mlrranch
28. nohilow
29. bobo
30. thinmann
31. 206
32. jimpot1a1
33. Al Buddy
34.  :ninja:

NGF List:

1. astrokraut
2. ktkat
3. dewbbie1974
4. Pebbles
5. damma
6. Skeeterone
7. Dognose
8. Riya
9. imtohi
10. FrogGoddess
11. Magoon
12. oregond56
13. Breeder
14. Dirt devil
15. just a guy
16. *******
17. Dizzle
18. Team C
19. Eagle (LINDA)
20. MrT
21. juju
22. GypsyLaura
23.  :ninja:

45 Jars Left !!!                     :bomb:                    45 Jars Left !!!                        :bomb:                    45 Jars Left !!!                        :bomb:                    


Hey otis thank you so much for your "sweet delicious love" god bless


thank you so much for the ''sweet delicious love'' ill be picking it up at ogf in portland or thank you so much


Otis please email me as I do not know the abbreviations.



If its not too late, I was hoping I could get in on some of the "sweet delicious love"... I'd pick up from the OGF building over on Division. Even if I am too late, thanks a ton for what you do for the community with these bud bombs. Pretty awesome!


 "sweet delicious love" please to OGF. Thank you for your kindness.


I would race the world for one of your sweet delicious love bombs, but for now you can find me at NGF.

Thank for all you do



You are one sweet delicious man, and I love you very much.



I forgot to tell you I'm at NGF. Can't wait for the sweet delicious jar of love coming my way.


Hey Otis. Please send some sweet delicious love to NGF please. Thanks for all you do

The Squirrel Master

Hello Otis!   Thanks for the sweet delicious love. Im at OGF  :)



Hi Otis, we met at Harvestfest '10. I'm looking forward to some of your sweet delicious love at OGF.
Thank you for all that you do  :)



Otis, you and your Bud Bombs rock.  Thank you so much for all that you do for the cannabis community. And for the sweet delicious love.  OGF please ;)


put me down for ngf pick up if available thanks


Quote from: pSteve on July 30, 2011, 12:02:46 AM
I just wonder why it took administrative action to get me here.
As I said somewhere, I'm usually at OGF if you want to talk or send me a jar.

:'( :'( :'( Fu(kin WHAAAAAAAAA!!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( You No personal attacks. Removed for ad hominem.

No offense.

B, you have to take that outside. I'm trying to do something nice here.

Ad hominem


Umm hi , sweet delicious love! I havent the foggiest idea what the heck i am doin , but if i live till i will go to ogf and try to love ya back, wow this was tough for me! I - touch


hey otis, couchlock here. pick up at ogf would rock!


The List

OGF List:

1. Missy
2. Diabolique  
3. donkeybuddha
4. 2feisty
5. chroniclily69
6. russianblue72
7. Burner
8. Papa LJ
9. fasteddie
10. maripamm
11. plantlover
12. mot
13. Indica Ninja
14. GypsyLaura
15. smokey
16. patientdave
17. pSteve
18. MrE
19. tee
20. Irishgawdess
21. Swooper
22. sativa
23. TYR
24. n8p22
25. Bigwheels
26. mlrranch
27. nohilow
28. bobo
29. thinmann
30. 206
31. jimpot1a1
32. Al Buddy
33. ibanezjoe33
34. TigersBlood
35. The Squirrel Master
36. GudTymes
37. kiminsalem
38. Chief
39. couchlock
40.  :bong:

NGF List:

1. astrokraut
2. ktkat
3. dewbbie1974
4. Pebbles
5. damma
6. Skeeterone
7. Dognose
8. Riya
9. imtohi
10. FrogGoddess
11. Magoon
12. oregond56
13. Breeder
14. Dirt devil
15. just a guy
16. *******
17. Dizzle
18. Team C
19. Eagle (LINDA)
20. MrT
21. juju
22. speedracer420
23. fishchaser
24. Grace
25. thisthingOO
26.  :joint:

36 Jars Left !           :bomb:          Final Day !!!!          :bomb:          36 Jars Left !           :bomb:          Final Day !!!!           :bomb:          

CAPT Krunch

hey Otis  Im skeeterone's caregiver..  he was telling me about your bud bomb.  If there are any more of the sweet delicious love i would really appreciate it.  Thanks  I will pick up at NGF.


Otis I have never asked for a donation before and have always provided for myself but your sweet delicious love is too much to resist. If you still have bombs left I would love to participate. I would pick up at OGF West if included. Thanks again.


Siggy  :flowers:


Bud Bomb Hours and Locations

NGF Bud Bomb Hours

August 4: Noon to 6pm
August 5: 11am to 4pm

NGF Resource Center:
7958 Se Foster Road
Portland, Or. 97206

OGF Bud Bomb Hours

August 4: Noon to 4pm
August 5: Noon to 4pm

OGF Clinical Services
10209 Se Division Street Bldg. B
Portland, OR 97266
Phone: 503-505-6980
Fax: 503-255-1350

    You need to:

      1.  Be registered and verified at NGF or OGF with the same name you used at
      2.  Be a current member of NGF or OGF
      3.  Bring a valid Oregon ID and OMMP card

   *All unclaimed donations go to the volunteers at closing time on Friday.

   *If you accept this donation and have an outstanding med request please take it down.


Hello There...Hey I signed up for Otis gardens with my username of Craftjunkie07 at NGF...However I am still not on the current list.Can you please respond?  thanks in advance


Thank You for giving such sweet delicious love to all of us that need it I go to NGF Thanks


Delouse sweet love too you too Otis, :wink: :gsmile:thanks again Otis your still the best :pandt:


oops forgot too tell you NGF again thank you :angel:


Thankyou for te donation i will pick it up from orgon green free  , sweet delicious love


sweet delicious love to you Otis. NGF pick up please, Thanks for doing this your the best.


Bud Bomb Over
Pick up your jars today and tomorrow
(at addresses above)

OGF List:

1. 2feisty
2. 206
3. Al Buddy
4. Bigwheels
5. bobo
6. Burner
7. Chief
8. chroniclily69
9. couchlock
10. Diabolique  
11. donkeybuddha
12. GudTymes
13. GypsyLaura
14. fasteddie
15. ibanezjoe33
16. Indica Ninja
17. Irishgawdess
18. jan
19. jimpot1a1
20. kiminsalem
21. maripamm
22. Missy
23. mlrranch
24. mot
25. MrE
26. n8p22
27. nohilow
28. Papa LJ
29. plantlover
30. patientdave
31. pSteve
32. russianblue72
33. sativa
34. SiggyFreud
35. smokey
36. Swooper
37. tee
38. TigersBlood
39. thinmann
40. The Squirrel Master
41. TYR
42.  :bomb:

NGF List:

1. astrokraut
2. Breeder
3. CAPT Krunch
4. craftjunkie07
5. damma
6. dewbbie1974
7. Dognose
8. Dirt devil
9. Dizzle
10. Eagle (LINDA)
11. fishchaser
12. freethinker
13. FrogGoddess
14. Grace
15. imtohi
16. just a guy
17. juju
18. ktkat
19. Magoon
20. MrT
21. noral97216
22. OBG
23. oregond56
24. Pebbles
25. Riya
26. Skeeterone
27. speedracer420
28. Team C
29. thisthingOO
30. *******
31.   :bomb:

The other cards in my garden are StonedRanger, DavidJ, and SmokeyHot. Without them none of this would be possible. This gift is from them too.

I'm not a doctor. I don't have "patients." These friends are not my patients, they are my partners. We are all patients.




Deleted - because, I'm an


hey there otis thanks again for all you do! i am trying to get off work tomorrow so i can come pick up my bud bomb, is it possible that my husband chronicj69 picks it up for me at OGF ? he will be in the area tomorrow helping  renewing a patients card. if not its ok ill figure out how ! once again thanks alot your the man otis!


Thank you for your KIND donation!
The Space Cheese is delicious!
I hope everyone enjoys the free buttons too.

Also, I'm glad to know it wasn't you blocking my access to this site.
Thanks again for stepping up for the WHOLE community.
Don't pee on my shoes and tell me it's raining.


Thank you so much, Otis.  So many happy, smiling faces at OGF today thanks to your Bud Bomb.  I imagine that there are plenty of similar happy faces at the other Bud Bomb locations as well.  Otis Bud :bomb: + sunshine in Portland =  :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Quote from: pSteve on August 04, 2011, 02:34:39 PM
Thank you for your KIND donation!
The Space Cheese is delicious!
I hope everyone enjoys the free buttons too.

Also, I'm glad to know it wasn't you blocking my access to this site.
Thanks again for stepping up for the WHOLE community.
Well, I WOULD HAVE enjoyed the buttons if one of them hadn't attacked me. Can you believe it? A tiny little button, stabbing ME, without any sort of provocation?! Perhaps next time we could help things go a little more safely, and maybe UNsharpen the buttons prior to distribution. Just to avoid any future mishaps such as this. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter, and forgive you for causing me grievous bodily harm by supplying me with a faulty, over sharpened button.

Seriously though... Thanks for coming through with the bonus!


Otis, thanks again. If the US dropped bombs like those, the rest of the world would LOVE us!

If its not too much of a bother to you, I was hoping you might be able to tell me a little about the Chads Alaskan? Pretty amazing!


Thank u very much im gona go enjoy my awesome sweet and delicious love, i can tel it was grown w love for sure


Hey Otis, thank you so very much for the donation. Outdoor won't be ready for a few. Anyway thanks for the donation.

CAPT Krunch

It was good seeing you today. Thanks for my bomb. Was talking to sukiyaki and he is looking for 2-3 empty jars. If you don't have any, I will give him some of mine.