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Otishertz Bud Bomb; July 29, 2011

Started by Otishertz, July 29, 2011, 11:32:31 AM


Otishertz Bud Bomb


Otishertz Bud Bomb is a first come first serve open donation of medical marijuana given out for free to Oregon OMMP cardholders.

Otishertz Bud Bomb charitable donations are available to OMMP cardholders in Oregon only. To participate you must be a current verified member of NGF, OGF, or MAMA. Members of NGF and OGF are able to mention their affiliation to get on the list below. Their donation will be delivered to them though their club for verification.

NGF and OGF members can pick up August 4th and 5th at either club. Also, about 30 bombs will be dropped on this Saturday's upcoming Mamas cardholder-only event in SE Portland. MAMA members will not be able to use the list. Currently they must be verified at the MAMA event.

This bud bomb thread at otisgardens will be walled off from the public until it is closed.

IMPORTANT: Ask all questions in this thread and not by personal message. Bud Bombs are self guiding. You have to get there on your own. Read the entire thing before responding. If it is not legal for you to read this then go away.

Otishertz Bud Bomb is free and open to all valid OMMP cardholders in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.

This is the first multi-club bomb and at 130 jars is the largest one yet. The list will run until 6am August 4th or until full. OGF members will be sent 20 special jars with the two labels that won the "Crushed by Otis" sticker contest. Each portion comes in a blue glass 50ml jar that is smellyproof and useful as a traveling stash jar. Sticker designs below.

Strains clockwise are:

Rosie Seven                      - Vortex
Ele-can                            - Not used this bomb
Crushed Cap                    - Chad's Alaskan, OGF only
Crushed Ele-cans            - Space Cheese, OGF only
Green Xploder                  - Alaskan
Oregotis                          - Crystal Nirvana
Oregotis with black dot  - Blackberry Kush

The other cards in my garden are StonedRanger, DavidJ, and Smokeyhot. None of this would have been possible without these friends, my partners, who hold their cards with mine, and give their allotment to this charity. Also, special thanks to Bmonee for the Crystal Nirvana and BBK clones.

How to participate:

Read the entire thing before responding.

1. This donation list is for Oregon OMMP cardholders that are current verified members of NGF and OGF. One donation per name. No substitutions. No special arrangements. For verification purposes, matching screen names are required. Names are taken only from this thread

2. Before responding make sure you can pick up between 12pm Thursday, August 4 and 4pm Friday, August 5th at NGF or OGF. Addresses below.

3. This thread is the only place you will find information about this donation. Come here for updates and questions. Do not call NGF or OGF for more information. All the information is here.

4. To get on the list register here with the same name you use at your club then make sure you are able to get to whichever clubhouse in Portland between August 4th and 5th. If you were previously a member at otisgardens but have a different name at either club then say so in the thread. One of us probably knows you anyway. Everyone else just now registering use the same name.

5. To get on the list for this open donation type or paste these words, "sweet delicious love"  in a complete sentence somewhere in a reply below.

6. I will thank you to indicate you made the list and post the list as it fills.

7. Names are taken only from this thread and not by PM. One donation per name. For verification purposes, a screen name is required. No substitutions please.

8. Any unclaimed donations go to the volunteers after 48 hours.


Do not call these organizations for more information on this donation. They are only doing verifications on behalf of their members. Everything you need to know will be written in the thread. Ask all questions in the thread.

MAMA Portland Office
5217 SE 28th Ave
Portland, OR 97202
Fax: 503-233-8266

National Green Friends
7958 SE Foster Rd.
Portland, OR 97206

10209 SE Division St, Bldg B
Portland, Oregon, 97266
Fax: 503-345-1157


Hey Otis,  I cant bellieve all the sweet delicious love you spread around.  You are the best.  I don't know if you will let me do this all in one post but I am the only one who has access to a computer.  Here is my list for bud bombs.

diz or dizzle

miss seeing you around.  hope to see more of you when you are not so busy.

your friend


Sorry Nancy,

Only one per screen name. No substitutions or special exceptions. Have to do it this way. Same for everyone.


Oh Otis. I have never met you, but your sweet delicious love makes me wish I had!  :D

I'm Astrokraut at NGF.

Really looking forward to this!!!


Hi Otis,
Nice place you have here.  Thanks for sharing such sweet delicious love.  Maybe you are an  :angel:



Don't forget to tell me which club you will use for pickup.


Otis, thank you for the sweet delicious love of donating quality medicine to Oregon medical cannabis patients.  I will pick up the generous donation at Oregon Green Free. 

Thanks again!


Otis that would be NGF.  TYVM


Thanks Otis!!! I have been involved and felt the


Pebbles here. Thanks for all the great and inspiring things you do for us Otis.


Hey there Otis, LOVE WHAT YOU DO!!!!

Can we also pick up someone elses “sweet delicious love” at the same time?  With maybe a written permission or something and their OMMP maybe?

OGF ;)

Vape Mistress

Hey Otis, Diabolique Here, You have always spread so much sweet delicious  love around OGF East in the past, Looking forward to seeing more from you!


glad to see some more Sweet Delicious Love from Otis' bud bombs!
I will be able to pick up at OGF.
Thanks for all you do Otis!!


Quote from: 2feisty on July 29, 2011, 01:18:19 PM
Hey there Otis, LOVE WHAT YOU DO!!!!

Can we also pick up someone elses



 :fallknife:Hey Otis that was some great amethyst dog poop you gave us last year to grow.  It was really SWEET and I LOVE the number of trichomes it produced. It left a DELICIOUS taste in your mouth. Hope this new bud bomb is as sweet delicious love as your dog poop was last year

I used all three as requested. I will pick it up at NGF.

Skeeterone   8)


Perfect Thanks! :)

Quote from: Otis on July 29, 2011, 01:46:48 PM
That is a good question that is frequently asked. Doing a large semi-anonymous donation requires that everyone be on the same page and that it be kept as simple as possible. Too many volunteers and people will be involved or receiving donations to even start special arrangements for individuals. The first Bud Bomb was in 2009. The rules came about over time and answer most questions.

There is a certain amount of luck involved in all of this and maybe the jars get to more people who need them if we don't tamper too much with fate. This is intended as self guiding, meaning people need to get to it on their own.

If someone can't make it online or to pick up the jar and be verified then they should pass on the donation and let someone else get it. If someone can't make it maybe it wasn't meant for them. If you know a cardholder who needs it more than you that can't make it, give them yours.

We have always done it one jar per name, first come first serve, until it is done. The only way to do a mass open donation is with no special exceptions.


Hey Otis. Since I am not sure if the first post worked I am sending this one. I am requesting some sweet delicious love be sent my way. I can pick it up at NGF.

Your friend


Original post updated with strain information.


Quote from: Skeeterone on July 29, 2011, 02:01:19 PM
:fallknife:Hey Otis that was some great amethyst dog poop you gave us. It was really SWEET and I LOVE the DELICIOUS taste in my mouth. Hope this new bud bomb is as sweet delicious love as your dog poop was last year

I used all three as requested. I will pick it up at NGF.

Skeeterone   8)

Glad you could make it Al, you rock.


Otis you rock...


I'll try to take a break from all the sweet delicious love I got growing in the basement to be at NGF on 8/4 or 8/5.  :scooby: <-Dognose is the name and you have the first appropriate emoticon i have seen.
"Being right too soon is socially unacceptable." - Robert A. Heinlein

Papa LJ

The medical cannabis community thanks you so very much for the sweet delicious love the Otis Bud Bomb provides us.  You rock!

Papa LJ

Quote from: Papa LJ on July 29, 2011, 03:44:55 PM
The medical cannabis community thanks you so very much for the sweet delicious love the Otis Bud Bomb provides us.  You rock!

Woops.  OGF please. 

Thanks again for the sweet delicious love!


Otis Bud Bombs equal sweet delicious love.

Thank you.  I will pick up at OGF. 


thanks for the sweet delicious love !! I'm at OGF


 :afro:  I like your smiley faces.   :kabuki:  Thanks for offering your "sweet delicious love" because I am new and OGF sent me your way.  I would certainly love to pick it up there and thanks again :astro: :potogold:


Sweet deliciouse love. I'm at OGF. Miss seeing u around these parts. I cherish my blue bud jar I won w your ATF :-*


Quote from: Otis on July 29, 2011, 11:32:31 AM
Otishertz Bud Bomb


Otishertz Bud Bomb is a first come first serve open donation of medical marijuana given out for free to Oregon OMMP cardholders.

Otishertz Bud Bomb charitable donations are available to OMMP cardholders in Oregon only. To participate you must be a current verified member of NGF, OGF, or MAMA. Members of NGF and OGF are able to mention their affiliation to get on the list below. Their donation will be delivered to them though their club for verification.

NGF and OGF members can pick up August 4th and 5th at either club. Also, about 30 bombs will be dropped on this Saturday's upcoming Mamas cardholder-only event in SE Portland. MAMA members will not be able to use the list. Currently they must be verified at the MAMA event.

This bud bomb thread at otisgardens will be walled off from the public until it is closed.

IMPORTANT: Ask all questions in this thread and not by personal message. Bud Bombs are self guiding. You have to get there on your own. Read the entire thing before responding. If it is not legal for you to read this then go away.

Otishertz Bud Bomb is free and open to all valid OMMP cardholders in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.

This is the first multi-club bomb and at 130 jars is the largest one yet. The list will run until 6am August 4th or until full. OGF members will be sent 20 special jars with the two labels that won the "Crushed by Otis" sticker contest. Each portion comes in a blue glass 50ml jar that is smellyproof and useful as a traveling stash jar. Sticker designs below.

Strains clockwise are:

Rosie Seven                      - Vortex
Ele-can                             - Not used this bomb
Crushed Cap                     - Chad's Alaskan, OGF only
Crushed Ele-cans             - Space Cheese, OGF only
Green Xploder                  - Alaskan
Oregotis                           - Crystal Nirvana
Oregotis with black dot  - Blackberry Kush

How to participate:

Read the entire thing before responding.

1. This donation list is for Oregon OMMP cardholders that are current verified members of NGF and OGF. One donation per name. No substitutions. No special arrangements. For verification purposes, matching screen names are required. Names are taken only from this thread

2. Before responding make sure you can pick up between 12pm Thursday, August 4 and 4pm Friday, August 5th at NGF or OGF. Addresses below.

3. This thread is the only place you will find information about this donation. Come here for updates and questions. Do not call NGF or OGF for more information. All the information is here.

4. To get on the list register here with the same name you use at your club then make sure you are able to get to whichever clubhouse in Portland between August 4th and 5th. If you were previously a member at otisgardens but have a different name at either club then say so in the thread. One of us probably knows you anyway. Everyone else just now registering use the same name.

5. To get on the list for this open donation type or paste these words,

Indica Ninja

Oh how I enjoy sweet delicious love.  Thank you so much!  Oregon Green Free is certainly spreading the word about your site and this generous bud bomb, so I will pick up at OGF. 

Thanks again,


The Indica Ninja


Hey Otis,
We met along time ago at OGF, and at that time you were spreading your sweet delicious love to the OGF community.

I am Dizzle, now with NGF.

Thanks so much, hope to see you again soon!  ;D


Wondering where you went.

I would like to be on the


Hey Otis!

We've never met but I think your sweet delicious love is a great idea, I would love to meet soon. I'm Riya with NGF  :laugh:


Sweet delicious love is da bomb, an Otis Bud Bomb, that is!


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I will pick up the love at OGF please.


Hey Hey,
You know me I just want the empty bottles,  but here you go Sweet delicious love.  I'm with both OGF and NGF but hang more at NGF.
I have all the stickers except the crushed ones, I see that they are OGF only so I'll go there if'n I have to.
As I've said many times, YOU THE MAN.


Doing LIFE on the installment plan.


Otis Otis Otis, Where to even start.....You are the Bud Bomb Master!!!! You spread around the


Don't pee on my shoes and tell me it's raining.


Hi Otis  :bigsmile:

Thank you for sharing your sweet delicious love bombs with us. Glad to see my Crushed Cap design on your list of stickers!

I can make it to the OGF office, if there are any bombs left available.

Again, thanks for all you do helping the communities.

MrE :gsmile:


High,Otis! Thank you so much for offering your