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Plastic Elephant Watering Can ; March 13th, 2010, 08:54 PM

Started by Otishertz, March 07, 2011, 01:32:40 AM


  :headexplodes:  :bong:  :bong:  :bong:

This thread is a derivative of the original thread posted at the long defunct OGF site and only includes my posts in response to the giveaway there due to reasons at the time. The actual files from OGF are now included as PDF files at the end of this first post. You don't need to read any farther than this first post!!! Read those instead of this to see what really happened. If you were one of the recipients of one of these Bud Bombs I would love to hear your memories and experiences here.

:bong:  :bong:  :bong:  :headexplodes:

:osmiley: Plastic Elephant Watering Can ;  March 13th, 2010, 08:54 PM      #1

Every plant I have ever grown has been watered with this pink elephant that was given to me when I quit drinking and started growing plants. It used to be much brighter but was bleached by the Sun.

I took cuttings from public gardens, home depot, yards, and parks. A couple friends and I had a fondness for persistent weird weeds and ended up with collection of a half dozen amazing indestructible fern and succulent plants that grew on seemingly nothing.

In the evening on the porch where I used to drink beer and smoke cigars I then smoked pot and grew plants. My porch filled with plants and friends who joined me and life got richer for the change.

The elephant fits snug in the four gallon bucket I use for nutrient mixes. One shake seems to have provided enough aeration over the years. The small nozzle and half gallon capacity ensured that I watered slowly enough. I could never find one in this size that was shaped to function better at scooping water from a bucket. Also, it never broke. Still has two functioning googly eyes!

Elephant was so utilitarian that I stopped seeing it as a silly pink elephant. Mostly I stopped seeing it at all. It was a tool. It was invisible until someone commented on it and everyone commented on it. The other day I got to thinking this plastic elephant is the one tool that has the most intimate contact with my plants and I hardly notice it.

I like how things age and tell their story in the patina of wear. My bucket is left over from my first business that I sold 12 years ago. I could get a new bucket with a better handle but this bucket has meaning. This bucket has been along for the ride. This bucket stays on the truck.

Objects get imbued with sentiment over time. These two simple disposable plastic and pvc tools changed my life and I would like to thank them.


 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 09:03 PM      #3


 :osmiley: This is a Bomb! ;  March 13th, 2010, 09:27 PM      #5

I dedicate this bomb to my watering can!

There will be 25 jars color coded by strain and donated first come first serve.

    Read the entire thing before responding.

    New rules in red.

1. Before responding make sure you can pick up between 12pm Tuesday and 4pm Wednesday at Big Blue.
   2. This thread is the only place you will find information about this donation. Come here for updates and questions. Do not call Big Blue for more information. All the information is here.
   3. If you accept this donation and have an outstanding med request OGF asks you please take it down. This donation counts toward your two per month suggested use of OGF for obtaining meds.
   4. To get on the list for this open donation type or paste these words, "Praise to the Ele-Can!" somewhere in a reply below.
   5. I will thank you to indicate you made the list and post the list as it fills.
   6. Names are taken only from this thread and not by PM. One donation per name. For verification purposes, a screen name is required to get this.
   7. This donation is for patients only. Patients who are also growers must be recent growers within the last four months so that those without plants get more meds.
   8. Any unclaimed donations go to the volunteers at 4pm Friday.



 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 09:38 PM      #7

QuoteQuote: Originally Posted by XXXXXXXXX "How did u make that elephant picture flash and dance like that?"

I took a bunch of pictures at various exposure compensations with a tripod while shining a flashlight through the back then created an animated gif with this free program:;1

Afterwards I posted it on photobucket then dragged the image over from the photobucket web page into the text editor.

Can I get a "Praise to the ele-can?"


 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 09:42 PM      #8

For those new to this the jars are 2" x 1.7", made of glass and hold maybe four to six grams.


 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 09:53 PM      #10

Five or six grams of the best marijuana money can't buy!


 :osmiley:           March 13th, 2010, 09:58 PM      #13

QuoteOriginally Posted by XXXXXXXX
I think ur Ele-Can is Awesome!!! ...

much appreciated. :ninja: Would you care to Praise the Ele-Can?!


 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 10:24 PM      #19

You are too kind.

They were all my first time with the strain. Probably purpit2 will be involved, some cheese. I have a little g-13 to give out. Some are going to be better than others. BC sweet pink grapefruit is good and smokable but tastes nothing like it is supposed to compared to Longtoke's bud who gave me the cut. Things may have gotten a little weird there with my vacuum experiments.

I have all different color labels like are flashing above so I will put multiple strains in there, post the color code, and let luck sort it out.



 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 10:28 PM      #21

QuoteQuote: Originally Posted by XXXXXX
Luckily, I might (hopefully) have a harvest soon and won't need donations this time around..

You can still "Praise the Ele-Can!" :ninja:


 :osmiley:            March 13th, 2010, 10:43 PM      #24

The List


Praise to the Ele-Can!



 :osmiley:  Praise be to the Ele-Can!!!!!!!!!!! ;  March 14th, 2010, 07:38 AM      #30

QuoteQuote:Originally Posted by XXXXXX

P.S I do like your Ele-Can, but I can no PRAISE it (at this time).

XXXXXXX, you are very special but you

Must Praise to the Ele-Can!

to get this jar.

Just Praise The Ele-Can!

It's easy and fun!


 :osmiley:  The XXXXXX exception ;  March 14th, 2010, 09:45 AM      #34

Feel bad about leaving XXXXXXX out but rules are rules and he has been growing for 65 years.

However, I have lots of extra jars and a solution.

If you are a grower you can have an empty Ele-Can jar if you:

   1. Post a picture of your watering can.
   2. Praise to the Ele-Can! in huge pink font.



 :osmiley:            March 14th, 2010, 10:50 AM      #35


 :osmiley:            March 14th, 2010, 12:25 PM      #38

Damn, faked me out. Unthanked but thanks


 :osmiley: Ele-Can Tastic! ;  March 14th, 2010, 02:33 PM      #44

Originally Posted by XXXXXX View Post

OMFG! They are beautiful like a found baby picture!

Praise The Can!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 :osmiley: bucko! ;  March 14th, 2010, 02:45 PM      #46

Originally Posted by XXXXXXXX XXXX

I just want a jar label if that's ok..

You are just going to have to take the free marijuana with the rest of them, bucko!

Get some plants!


 :osmiley:            March 14th, 2010, 03:12 PM      #48

Praise to the Ele Can!


 :osmiley:            March 14th, 2010, 09:17 PM      #54

QuoteQuote: Originally Posted by XXXXXXXXXXX
Very touching story. I missed the last rule though. Even though I've had problems recently I've been growing too long. Sorry for the false alarm.

That's a new rule this time. Lots of tough calls. The "XXXXXX exception" comes to mind. Post a picture of your watering can and praise the ele-can and you can at least get an empty. There are already 5 on the Un-List.

If you are not currently growing of course go ahead and ask. If you are going to crop before you drop then hold off for those who can not grow. No one is going to police you but the community and your conscience.

I don't think the intention of the rule is if you ever grew you are ineligible. If you are out and hurting because something unplanned happened go ahead and ask. This is a free for all after all.

At least get the jar since you already showed up. They are convenient.



 :osmiley:            March 14th, 2010, 09:22 PM      #55

Get on the list, XXXXXX. I see you there lurking. I want a recumbent like yours rigged with things that don't belong on a bike. XXX is up for a recumbent bike gang. Summer is coming!

Get on the list, XXXXXX. Praise the can!


 :osmiley:            March 15th, 2010, 11:16 AM      #59

XXXXXXXXXX, you get a full one. Thanks for being real.


 :osmiley:            March 15th, 2010, 12:22 PM      #61

I'm going to give the green ones to the growers.


 :osmiley:  Hell Yes! ;  March 15th, 2010, 12:46 PM      #63

Realized this morning that it became the 15th and that means Cast Off Hand at 3! I won't check back till later but if we go over 25 don't worry, I have plenty more up to about 75 full jars and 50 empties so bring it on.

Can't wait to get this anchor off my arm.

L8R T8Rs



 :osmiley:            March 15th, 2010, 10:54 PM      #66

I'll check back on the morning to see who showed up. As long as more than 15 people don't show up I'm good. Nice to have my hand back. My nerves are doing strange things from the sensory deprivation of the cast. The other hand got tingly on the palm the same as the hurt one, like it was sympathizing. Been like that since the cast came off.

What if my hands have been talking to eachother in my sleep?!

The List


Praise to the Ele-Can!

The Un-List:



 :osmiley: Held Over One Week! ;  March 16th, 2010, 09:37 AM      #69

Including XXXXXXXXXXX, that makes fourteen jars to be donated later today at BB. You must pick up by the time they close tomorrow or your donation will automatically be given to someone else.

The jars with blue labels are Cheese. The pink labels are purpit2. Greens are empty.

I'm donating another 25 jars to let the Ele-Can run another week. I'll start up a new list to be delivered a week from today. Same as this week, pick up between 12pm Tuesday and 4pm Wednesday next week at BB in PDX.


So, 25 more full jars available for next week. Empties available to growers who praise the ele-can and post a picture of their can.


 :osmiley: Praise to XXXXXX ; March 16th, 2010, 03:09 PM      #71

Praise to XXXXXX for joining the ele-can wagon with these bonus buttons that are being donated with the last batch of jars.

These made my day, Thanks.


 :osmiley:            March 16th, 2010, 03:41 PM      #73

You are early - for next week's delivery.


 :osmiley: 5 more left. ;  March 18th, 2010, 11:20 PM      #105

Five more jars left for next Tuesday and Wednesday.

The 2nd List

19.  :ninja:


 :osmiley:            March 21st, 2010, 01:26 AM      #114

QuoteQuote: Originally Posted by XXXXXX
This was in a public forum visible to everybody.

Ooops, thanks for switching it. I was looking for an equipment forum. "Grow room design and setup" kinda fit.

2 more jars left for next Tues and Wed.


 :osmiley: Pick up Tomorrow ;  March 23rd, 2010, 12:32 AM      #121


You can pick up any time between 12 pm tomorrow and 4pm Wednesday.

If you have an open med request please remember to take it down.



 :osmiley: The End. ;  March 23rd, 2010, 12:36 AM      #122

The 2nd List

28.  :ninja:

Color code of strains

Grey = Blackberry Kush
Orange = Snow Tracks
Blue = Cheese
Pink = Oregon Pinot Noir (Purpit2)