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Bud Bomb History

Started by Otishertz, March 05, 2011, 11:18:56 AM



There were many reasons for starting Bud Bombs in 2009. They are revealed in the history of the bombs. I reprinted my words from the original Open Donations. The actual comments from the participants at OGF were initially redacted way back when this was first posted, with only my comments included here, because of the weird legal situation for marijuana at the time. A time when weed was only available for "free", paid labor and profit for growing was illegal, and pain patients were forced to garden for their own medicine. It was an odd time but also a lot of fun. The perversity of the OMMP laws forced an anarchy of sharing and lots of laughs.

I have since included all of the actual OGF threads with all the comments as PDF files at the end of the first post in each of the following Bud Bomb threads except for the first one which was lost and the last one for which there was no OGF thread and it all took place here at They are listed in reverse chronological order. There are a couple of other related threads sprinkled in there. Unfortunately, most of the images posted by others are gone because the sites that hosted them are gone. This is sad because those ten year old pot memes were hilarious. The internet is not forever, it is an information incinerator. I had backups of these backups in the Mozilla archive format but Mozilla deleted that MAFF format and no longer supports it. Great way to make an archive, Mozilla, you jerks.

Wonderful comments by recipients who helped shape the original Bombs came from the people that came together at OGF which was a wild and woolly place. Those comments are a big part of the story. The redacted renditions are like listening to one side of a phone call, except the side you can't hear is a room full of people all talking at once laughing their asses off. I encourage you all to read the PDFs of the bud bombs before the redacted Otisgardens threads that were here before. Everything is in the OGF PDFs that is here but a whole lot more, to put it mildly. 

Otishertz is grateful to the founders and volunteers at Big Blue in Portland for making this crazy idea possible. The people at Big Blue had guts and soul and I miss them.

I could say so many things about how Bud Bombs changed my life. Suffice it to say that I was alone in a world of pain with no friend or family for two thousand miles. These little jars were my message in a bottle and prayer to the Universe.

I was not present for any of the Bud Bombs. They were usually dropped off the day before. This semi-anonymity made it more amazing when good things started happening for no reason. I felt my Karma cleansed and new possibilities cascaded through beneficial coincidences from unexpected places.

I learned a valuable lesson about humanity and the Karmic links connecting us.

You give to get.


I wonder who found my message in a bottle and where the Otis Jars went. If you have a story about your Otis Jar be welcome to leave it here.